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Jun 07, 2010
I thought there was something wrong with me
by: Lisa

Sometimes it is better being single for awhile. It proved to be a good choice for me, but it doesn't feel good when the next one who comes along shows his true self even after a long relationship. I would have thought that the mask would have came off much earlier in the relationship. Instead, it comes off after I trusted just enough to make a difference. I gave up my housing, my family. This is something I have learned from, and will be better prepared for in the future.

May 09, 2010
No Time For The Bad!
by: Anna

My picker was broken too! It wasn't when I first got in the relationship, but was later when I was debating how to get out of his grasp. He said things, did things that confused me alot. he loved me one day, and was walking all over me the next. I never married him, but did have children by him. Today I don't see much of him. I am thankful for that! :)

There are to many nice guys in the world, and not enough time in the day to interact with my ex- abuser's type.

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