Comments for Suzanne Perry: Victim to Victor. Global concert to expose domestic violence

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Nov 03, 2015
Domestic Violence NEW
by: Anonymous

Domestic Violence is one of the horrible truth of our world and its just because people don't raise voice against violence and to raise that issue
write a research paper for me are decide to make a sit over protest a peaceful protest on the world domestic violence day this week

Oct 10, 2015
Dental Health NEW
by: Anonymous

Domestic violence is a very big and debatable issue all over the world. We need Helvetic Clinics best Dentists in Budapest to appreciate those who are doing concerts on this issue. We should understand the value of peace and harmony across the world.

May 28, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Education makes us able to trust and believe on others. Education and dissertation writing services give us the knowledge that we should also try to make our self trust worthy for others. Education is the only thing that makes it possible.

Jan 13, 2011
You deserve it!
by: Jennasy

You deserve to have a good time, and send the message out to others. I believe, Pat, you and I and all other guests who wish to participate should continue reading and supporting each other. :)

Networking is key. I will definitely go to your link, and look forward to learning more!


Jan 11, 2011
Thank you for your acknowledgement!! <3
by: Suzanne Perry

THANK YOU so much for your feedback!!

I understand only a wee percentage ever actually come forth so those of you here represent a much larger population, who watch or listen in silence; the more we can spread out, the more people we can reach, and ultimately save.

I feel like Im running in a vat of molasses at times.

I now have a weekly radio show on Blog Talk Radio; between 'Take your Reins' and 'Perfume to Protection Order' (cant make up my mind) and a show I did on Friday about Perseverance has led me to a monthly spot on Think Twice Radio (all this in the past 4 days!)

Please check it out and share it, even call in! Most of all, I love to hear from you with ANY feedback. Strength to you all!

Here is my radio link:

-Suzanne Perry
*love shouldn't hurt

YES I will happily mention and spread all your links and fundraisers, and would love even more to come and be a live part of it, broadcasting or whatever. I am open for everything to reach people. We have to network - we are each a link in this huge chain of support!! <3 :)

Jan 11, 2011
Thank You Suzanne!
by: Jennasy

I am Jennasy, I made this website last year in hopes to help others affected by domestic violence and sexual assault. I am so glad to see that you are here, and can help others through your experiences, and your passion. I can relate to your story, in so many ways, as many of us can. We can all come together and fight this global problem head on, and I am glad to work toward this.

I am preparing a fundraiser to start a house in Washington State. I can tell you where through private message, but because I am not sure about the level of confidentiality yet, I can't.

I hope you would like to help get the word out for this fundraiser. I need to hire 2 advocates for on site advocacy, possibly more depending on the level of confidentiality.

If you would be interested in helping The Trinity Assignments online get the word out that we could start a house with the help of donations, we could really use your help.


Jan 04, 2011
What a story!
by: Anonymous

What a story! What a breakout--from a horrible life to an example for others. You are incredible.
Made my day!

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